Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Behind on Schedule

Dear blog,

I don't mean to abandon you a week or so at a time. But I have a full time job, and you're my very special hobby! I love visiting you and all your friends, but sometimes, I have to focus on work so I can get paid (so I can then spend more time with you!) Money does not make the world go round (although economists would say otherwise), but it definitely helps me continue to buy books and pay for internet access so I can visit you as often as I like!

I am doing my best to get through Pure by Julianna Baggott. I bring it EVERYWHERE with me, in hopes of finding a few spare minutes to crack open the spine and dive into its pages, but that's becoming harder and harder as I pick up more and more shifts (I have school loans to pay off, you understand, right?)

I just need to find my groove again, even if it means staying up all night long into the morning hours, reading under candlelight (more like a book light), and getting a few hours of sleep only after I've finished the story. What do you say?


Happy Reading!

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